

  1. BulletDesktop/Laptop repair

           PC and Mac

  1. BulletVirus/Spyware/Malware removal

  1. BulletData Recovery

           From a power failure

           Corrupted hard drive

           Hardware failure

           Accidental reformat

  1. BulletNetworking

            Wireless / Wired

            Network multiple computers

            Router / DSL / Cable

  1. BulletTransfer old data to new computer

  1. BulletTraining

            One on one

            Improve your skills!

  1. BulletDestroy Old Data

  2. BulletRecycle Old Equipment

  3. BulletTake equipment from your home/office

  4. BulletRemote services

  5. BulletReset forgotten passwords

  6. BulletReformat and reinstall your system

  7. BulletPhone configurations

  8. BulletUpdate Hardware

  9. BulletUpdate Software

  10. BulletVOIP (Voice over IP)

  11. BulletAudio/Video hookup

  12. BulletMove offices/equipment

  13. BulletAnd many more...don’t be afraid to ask if there isn’t a service listed here

  14. BulletSoon Digital Documentation and Shredding

Graphic Services

  1. BulletGraphic Design

  2. BulletMarketing

  3. BulletStatement Designs

  4. BulletWebsite Design

Artistic Services

Visit my other website!

  1. BulletLandscape

  2. BulletIrish Art

  3. BulletPortraits

  4. BulletPet Portraits

  5. BulletVaried subjects